No mobile data please
Hi, My iPhone5 on latest firmware seems to have developed an annoying bug. I'm on 4G EE in the UK and in an LTE area. When I'm at home and my broadband becomes annoying slow, I will often turn off my...
View ArticleiPhone 5 Glass Only Repair
Looking to DIY my iPhone 5 screen as my toddler shattered it. Anyone have any experience replacing just the glass? The price of the glass+lcd is still way above the price of going the Apple Store...
View ArticleRight side of iPhone 5 Lock Button Now Working?
After a couple months of using my iPhone, I've noticed that the right side of the lock button does not respond or rarely responds when I press it. The left side and center of the button responds...
View ArticlePush email stops after turning account off and on
A little bug I just noticed. Haven't seen another article on it, but I doubt this is just my phone having a software glitch cause it has always done it. But I just spent the last 30 minutes running...
View Article5 features we want in an Apple iWatch
Given all the buzz, you'd think an iWatch from Apple would be a case of "when" rather than "if." In theory, such a device could push computing forward. Users could check messages and get alerts and...
View ArticleiPhone lost contacts, resyncing doesn't restore them?
My wife's contacts on her iPhone went AWOL a couple of days ago. I just tried to sync her phone and when I click on the "Sync Contact" radio button, the "Capacity" meter on the bottom of the iTunes...
View ArticleHow to disable "Full Charge Alert" ?
I have an Iphone 5 running IOS 6.1.1. Every night (around 3:00am), the phone vibrates and the screen lights up for a second. Then, these actions continue throughout the night. Is there any way to...
View ArticleiPhone APN question
Hey everyone I need some advice. I bought an iPhone 5 unlocked and have been using it with tmobile. First to finish my contract and for the last 3 weeks on their monthly prepaid service. I can call and...
View ArticleHow to deactivate erase mode
Hi Last night my pocket got picked and my iPhone 5 stolen. In my impulsive actions I immediately went to and activated the 'erase mode' for my iPhone. I didn't go for the 'Lost mode' because...
View ArticleCharging With non-Apple USB charger
I recently bought an AC cube adapter and a USress bar.B cord that comes along with it to charge my iphone 4s on ebay for cheap. I have noticed that the charge is really slow and it takes forever to get...
View ArticleLTE and battery usage
New to LTE. if I am in an area without LTE for a few days, will my battery life be affected if I leave it turned on?
View ArticleUnable to sync - not enough space
I'm trying to sync between my iMac and iPhone 4S. I've been rotating playlists weekly, all about the same size, for 1.5 years, no problem. The indicator bar on bottom indicates over 20gb's available. I...
View ArticleFamily plan for unlocked GSM iPhone 4S?
I've just about had it with T-Mobile. I'm grandfathered into their "Flexpay" plan with 3 lines, but today I went to try and add a 4th but I can't because Flexpay is discontinued. I'm tired of giving...
View ArticleWill nail polish remover peel off the slate on the edges?
Okay so I dented my black iPhone 5 a week ago and the aluminum beneath the slated side has been exposed. I got a regular permanent marker from the local store and it worked for a couple of days before...
View ArticleFaceTime and iMessage refuse to work.
My iPhone 5 simply refuses to have FaceTime and iMessage work on my phone number and I've literally tried everything i know of, but both work fine on my email addresses. I have re-installed the...
View ArticleWhat's wrong with my Iphone 3GS? Reset loop.
Hi, I need help with my iphone. Here is problem: Thanks! I try DFU mode and resore but always when iphone rebooting is reset loop on apple logo
View ArticleHow to enable junk/spam in iOS mail app?
How can I enable the junk/spam folder in the iPhone mail app?
View ArticleAnyway to retrieve my deleted 500+ contacts on iPhone 4S
Oh my life, my genius brother took my iphone(I dont know when) he deleted all my contacts while playing games !!! #SoPissedOff#:( Over 500 contacts were lost, Who can tell me the best way to recover?
View ArticleWi-fi Issue
Been having a strange issue with my iPhone 5. I recently had it replaced by Apple for a different hardware issue but this previous issue remains. Basically a page in Safari at times will not load while...
View ArticleCan I de authorize an iTunes account even if I no longer have physical access?
This is more of an iTunes question than an iPhone question but figured someone here may know. So my iTunes account has several machines associated with it and I need to somehow de authorize a few of...
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