iPhone 3GS stuck in Recovery Mode
Hi; I'm not very familiar with iPhone jargon so here's my simplistic explenation to my problem. I have an iPhone 3GS Jailbroken from 2 years ago, i bought it from a friend who got it from the USA (live...
View ArticleSwap iP5 at Apple Store question...
My iPhone 5 sleep/wake button has stopped working and I need to get it replaced. I am away from my home computer and haven't backed up in awhile, I do not use iCloud for backing up. If I walk into an...
View ArticleiPhone 5 can't change email alert sound
Longtime iPhone user here. Got my wife a 5 for Christmas. She wants to change the email alert but no matter what we do it won't change. That is the only issue we have. I have a 4s and tried it (Sounds...
View ArticleiPhone 5 Cellular Data Problem
Just recently my iPhone 5 has been struggling to get data from a cellular connection. I will have 1-5 bars with Edge, 3G, 4G or LTE and all of a sudden my phone can't do anything requiring data. It...
View ArticleHelp me! iPhone in pancakes & cream
Help!!! I had pancakes and cream and my iPhone 4 slipped and dunked the bottom half onto the cream. I took it out immediately and tried to clean it with some tissues and very little water and I...
View ArticleQuestions about the iPhone 5 VS Note 2
Good evening MacRumors! Okay, where do I start? I've been on the forums for almost two years now. I used to own an 16GB iPhone 4 from AT&T. My upgrade was last week and I went home with the Note 2....
View ArticleReplacement iPhone5 - Backup help
I'm on the other coast than where I live and my iPhone5 is needing replacement. Dropping calls, but otherwise works fine. Apple has offered to replace my phone at the Apple store. This would be...
View ArticleDo I need to download the official app. for Find My iPhone to work?
I know the feature is there under Location Services but I never really thought about this. Might be a newbie question, but do I need to download and keep the app?
View ArticleiPhone 5 inbox messaging
Move to iOS if more appropriate.. It's only a small thing but bugs me. When sending a text after scrolling down my inbox to find the person, when I've sent it and gone back to inbox it takes me back up...
View ArticleStream media from an external HDD connected to a router?
Hi there Just wondering, my o2 wireless box 4 has a usb port, I can connect an external hdd to this which my ps3 will see and stream media off of. Are there apps which will allow an iPhone/iPad to see...
View ArticleAdjusting sound using dock - HELP!
I have connected my Iphone 4S, with my external lauds parker (Libratone Live) through a mini-jack, BUT I can NOT adjust the sound (using the normal buttons on the Iphone). It will only play very loud!!...
View Articleitunes saying I have 5x the photos on my phone than I do?
My phone keeps running out of storage so I finally plugged it into my macbook to get a better picture of what was going on and although my camera roll says I have 400ish photos, itunes is saying I have...
View ArticleiPhone 5 LTE Problem
Hi all. Thank you ahead of time for any help! I have an issue where my phone will switch to 4G, usually due to signal strength being low or I made a phone call, but when signal gets stronger it stays...
View ArticleBrand new iPhone, horrible battery life
Hey guys, I've been an iPhone owner since the iPhone 3G and have always loved it. This month I finally upgraded to iPhone 5 and noticed the battery life is horrible. In all these years I have been able...
View ArticleReplacing iPhone 4 Screen w/ Water Damaged iPhone 4
I have a very cracked iPhone 4, both front and back, and I am looking to replace the glass. The iPhone itself works fantastically. My original iPhone 4 took a dive into a swimming pool. Surprisingly, I...
View ArticleiPhone warranty question
Hey guys, I won a used 32gb white iPhone 4S on eBay for $286.00. It came with a tiny crack in the very top of the front glass, right near the metal band. The seller offered a full refund or a $25.00...
View ArticleiPhone 5 won't realise people have iMessage
i'm from mexico just came back from orlando using at&t on roaming then come home with my regular provider or wifi and now my iphone won't realise others have imessage no matter if i use phone...
View ArticleHow to copy and send 3gp files?
friends i have connected a HDD to my AEBS which contains plenty of 3gp files, i want to transfer them to whatsapp contact, could someone please help me how i can get those 3gp files from the hdd and...
View ArticleiPhone can't send messages or make calls
I am traveling internationally but cannot send messages or make calls although I can receive them. I'm with my whole family and they have iPhones on the exact same plan and they all work fine. Even...
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