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Android user now struggling iphone user... need major help with iphone limitations!!

So I'm a 2 year user of Android of an old HTC incredible. I really wanted the iphone 5 but now that I have it, there are a bunch of things that REALLY bug me about the apple product. I'm hoping there are ways around these issues but I think not, so I might go back to the dark side.

Can you help?

1. Whenever I hit a button or key, I have to hit the bottom half of the button or just below the button in order for it to work. Apple has created an angular attack directional hit on their screen. Does this make sense? as if you hold the phone upright or 90 degrees from the ground you would be looking down at the iphone at an angle. So when you hit the keyboard it looks like you're hitting the letter directly. You can't hit the upper half of the key or it won't work. The Android is exact and doesn't force this angular hit. I like to hold the phone 90 degrees to my eye and hit keys exactly, i'm an engineer, but it doesn't work so well on the iphone. Has anyone noticed this?

2. The keyboard is horrible compared to the Android. There is no 'comma' on the main page, not shift function and half the time no 'period'. I like to double space things sometimes so using the double space key for a period isn't my style. Is there any other keyboard that offers more functionality that the build in iphone keyboard?

3. The keyboard has only sound or no sound feedback. My android had a soft vibrate. Any chance of that on an iphone?

4. The tile placement won't stay where I want as it automatically fills the screen top - right - bottom. Meaning I can't have empty spots in my page. For my home screen I like to have the icons wrapped around the screen so I can see the wall paper picture I choose. Can't seem to do that?

5. never mind, solved this one.

6. There are no widgets? For example, the clock is just an icon and the clock text on the notifications is so small. I wanted a dual sized icon to show the time, guess that can't happen? And a widget to turn on/off the wireless to save the battery when I don't need it, or maybe I shouldn't worry about that.

7. The navigation buttons while in an application are located on top of the screen, not the bottom. This means you can't hold the phone with one hand and operate it. Also when you go to hit the buttons you hand covers the screen. I really miss the 'back' button on the bottom of my Android.

8. In the email app, I can't find a way to select/mark all emails as if I wanted to delete a whole bunch at once I have to click each one one by one. Any way to mark all emails? It's easy on the Android with the menu button.

9. There is no menu button for the apps. Almost like you have to find the options for the apps differently ever time. And most of the settings for the i apps are all under settings, they can't be adjusted from inside the app. argh...

10. How do I set up contact groups? I don't like to use the 'favorites' rather I want 'work' 'friends' 'family', etc. Surely there is an easy way to do that? My contacts icon brings up everyone in my contact list. When they are set up, how do you choose which group to view in the contact?

11. When doing talk to text instead of the keyboard I have to hit the 'done' button. With Android I just stop talking and it processes. Any way to remove that extra step?

12. HDR doesn't work with the flash, so you can't keep the automatic flash on and HDR at the same time. Guess I'm asking for too much here. I'd like it to use the flash when needed and HDR when no flash is needed. oh well can't have everything. The camera has almost no options compared to the Android. Guess I need to download an app?

13. When I'm viewing photos it takes 3 screen taps to get a photo deleted.... my Android was either 1 or 2.

14. It remembers where you were last time. What I mean by this is if I'm in the settings and say 3 levels deep, I change the setting then want to go back to my app. So I hit the home button and get to my app, but when I go back into settings I have to hit 'previous' 3 times for each level to get back to the main menu. I'd love for it to always go back to the main level each time so it will save me time and taps. I'm sure some people like it going back to where you were before but adjusting settings is more of a pain.

So all these things are small I understand, but they are so frustrating to see how much better Android is for useability for an engineer like myself, (PC guy too not a mac guy). If anyone can help me with these things I'd like to be an iphone guy.

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