I know this is a stupid question, and I have searched but could not find a clear answer. Anyway I have a white iPhone 5 but really wanted black (they were sold out of white when I went and I was to excited to wait) I saw a post on craigslist from someone that is in the same boat I am and they were looking for someone to trade phones even up. So I messaged him and we are meeting tomorrow at Starbucks to make the trade. However I am unsure of what I should do before switching them. Obviously I know to restore it to factory settings, but the part I'm not sure about is the SIM card. Should I restore it with the SIM card in or out? Also I was wondering when we meet when is it ok to pop my SIM card in the new phone. Do it while it's off, or switch it on and then put it in? I want to check it all out and make sure everything works like it should before doing the switch. I already took all my photos off and I have iTunes match so I'm ok music wise. I just wasn't sure if there were any precautions I need to take.