I have an iphone 3g that was running firmware 4.1 with baseband 6.15.00 I tried to restore it but didnt succeed, after googling a bit I found out that there was a way to downgrade the baseband from 6.15.00 and I did so and the phone dead, after followoing a ton of videos from Youtube none of the tricks solved my issue I took a shot of the problem Im facing
I tried to restore it to a custom firmware using DFU mode didnt succeed and I get stuck at restoring and then after a while i get 1604 error from itunes
as ou can see from the above video the iphone stucks on the state as seen on video above and when I try to downgrade the Baseband using ultrasn0w I get the attached screenshot error.
please help me :((
I tried to restore it to a custom firmware using DFU mode didnt succeed and I get stuck at restoring and then after a while i get 1604 error from itunes
as ou can see from the above video the iphone stucks on the state as seen on video above and when I try to downgrade the Baseband using ultrasn0w I get the attached screenshot error.
please help me :((