I just noticed today that there is a small purple-ish smudge showing up when I take photos with my iPhone 5. I've cleaned the lens with a microfiber cloth several times but the spot doesn't go away. It does, however, go away when you switch the camera to video mode.
I circled the mysterious spot in both pics here so you can see what I mean.
Any idea what this could be? I have a Genius Bar appointment Sunday afternoon but would like it fix it myself if possible. I take a lot of pictures and it is so distracting to see this on every one.
I just noticed today that there is a small purple-ish smudge showing up when I take photos with my iPhone 5. I've cleaned the lens with a microfiber cloth several times but the spot doesn't go away. It does, however, go away when you switch the camera to video mode.
I circled the mysterious spot in both pics here so you can see what I mean.
Any idea what this could be? I have a Genius Bar appointment Sunday afternoon but would like it fix it myself if possible. I take a lot of pictures and it is so distracting to see this on every one.