I use iCloud to back up my iPhone data. So, when I plug it into my Macbook, iTunes is only needed for managing apps and music etc.
But if I'm not syncing apps and music, the iPhone's only purpose for being plugged in, is to charge.
Is it therefore necessary to go into iTunes (or iPhoto) and unmount the iPhone? If I unplug the phone, without unmounting, my Macbook doesn't throw up any warning messages about "unmounting device correctly".
It seems to me that unmounting isn't necessary.
But if I'm not syncing apps and music, the iPhone's only purpose for being plugged in, is to charge.
Is it therefore necessary to go into iTunes (or iPhoto) and unmount the iPhone? If I unplug the phone, without unmounting, my Macbook doesn't throw up any warning messages about "unmounting device correctly".
It seems to me that unmounting isn't necessary.