I've had my iphone about 8 months now after my brother gave it to me. He used it for about 5 months beforehand so it's out of warranty. The problem is that the last month my iphone battery has been dying at a rate of 15 percent per hour. When I was on ios 6 It would go down at about 2 percent per hour with moderate usage. Since I updated to ios 7.04 about three months ago it was going down at about 5 percent per hour but only when I was charging it directly into the wall with an original iPhone wall charger. Though recently my data cable broke about a month ago and I replaced it though I don't think it's an original. Also I had to move to a new location and here they don't have any 3 pin wall sockets so I have to use an extension gang socket to charge the iphone. I am currently in Saudi Arabia and wanted to know if it's the fact that I'm using an extension that my iphone battery is dying so quickly. Does Saudi Arabia work on a differnt power outtage and does this therefore mean my iphone is not charging properly or is it the data cable. I've also charged the phone from my laptop with the same problem.