Well, the one day I don't put my 23 month old 4S in its case, I drop it and the screen cracks. I am 2 weeks away from being eligible for an upgrade (ATT). Also, the battery life has been lousy recently.
Considering my options. I am a pretty handy person.
Should I:
1) Order the replacement screen assembly and battery, fix it myself, and keep it for as long as I can (maybe until the 6 comes out).
2) Same as above, but sell on Gazelle for $135 and get a new iPhone on my upgrade date.
3) Just wait two weeks for my upgrade and keep the broken screen 4S as a backup?
I figure while I have the phone open, I can clean out 2 years worth of crud and have the closest thing to a new phone when I finish.
Considering my options. I am a pretty handy person.
Should I:
1) Order the replacement screen assembly and battery, fix it myself, and keep it for as long as I can (maybe until the 6 comes out).
2) Same as above, but sell on Gazelle for $135 and get a new iPhone on my upgrade date.
3) Just wait two weeks for my upgrade and keep the broken screen 4S as a backup?
I figure while I have the phone open, I can clean out 2 years worth of crud and have the closest thing to a new phone when I finish.