The thing worked the first day outputting audio to my DAC. Now it works for about 10 seconds then spits out the following:
"This accessory is not supported by this device."
I've tried it with just the adapter plugged into the phone and nothing plugged into the other end. I've rebooted my phone to no avail. The adapter was bought from an Apple store a couple days ago - so it's not a knockoff. I've seen the Apple Store reviews and there are a ton of one star ratings with complaints that people have to keep exchanging these things.
Is this true? Did I get a dud or is there a software workaround? Like I said, it works for 10 seconds before the error comes up...
"This accessory is not supported by this device."
I've tried it with just the adapter plugged into the phone and nothing plugged into the other end. I've rebooted my phone to no avail. The adapter was bought from an Apple store a couple days ago - so it's not a knockoff. I've seen the Apple Store reviews and there are a ton of one star ratings with complaints that people have to keep exchanging these things.
Is this true? Did I get a dud or is there a software workaround? Like I said, it works for 10 seconds before the error comes up...