So guys, for the last two weeks I notice something pretty strange.
My batter usually last a day with WiFi an Cellular data on all the time and the normal abuse. The phone hits 1% and it dies so I plug it in and turns on at 4-5% battery.
The last two weeks my phone shuts down at 10% battery or 7% battery, OK.
So I plug it in and it immediately shows the Apple logo, the phone turn on with about 8% battery.
This is really annoying!! I am using an iPhone with with iOS 7.0.4
What could be the issue? This wasn't happening when I first installed iOS 7 a couple of months back..
My batter usually last a day with WiFi an Cellular data on all the time and the normal abuse. The phone hits 1% and it dies so I plug it in and turns on at 4-5% battery.
The last two weeks my phone shuts down at 10% battery or 7% battery, OK.
So I plug it in and it immediately shows the Apple logo, the phone turn on with about 8% battery.
This is really annoying!! I am using an iPhone with with iOS 7.0.4
What could be the issue? This wasn't happening when I first installed iOS 7 a couple of months back..