A couple weeks ago, my purse blew off the top of my car and my iphone 4s fell out. The screen cracked pretty badly, but I put tape on it, and it seemed to be working fine, except when I tried to power it off - it wouldn't do anything. You press the two buttons and nothing. Then, it started having intermittent signal issues. The other day, the ringer volume started freaking out. It would switch from "on" to vibrate over and over by itself. I eventually just put it on vibrate and left it that way. Yesterday, I picked it up and the signal area said "searching..." and I noticed that the date and time were wrong. I couldn't connect to the internet (it doesn't even recognize my wi-fi connection) or call or send texts. Then it shut down. If I plug it into the wall, it will boot up, but it boots to an unusable state. It says it's 6:00pm on January 1st and stays on the searching sign. When plugged in, it periodically reboots on its own. If I unplug it, it shuts down instantly. I've tried removing and reinstalling the sim card, but that didn't work. If I try to connect it to my computer to do a full restore, it shuts down as soon as I unplug it from the wall and won't power back up when plugged into the USB port, so the USB will work on an AC adapter, just not the computer. Is it done for, or is there a way to save it? There isn't an apple store anywhere near here to take it to have it looked at. I've only had it for a year and I'm assuming that dropping it voids the warranty.