iphone 3GS not jailbroken, upgraded from ios4 to the latest ios6. stuck in recovery mode. i've:
1. Hard Restart
2. DFU Restore
3. Tiny Umbrella
4. ireb
5. redsn0w
6. different internet connections
keep getting error (-1). if i took it to a genius what would they do that i couldn't?
hadn't tried another cable. my plan now is to download a lower ipsw like ios 5 or an older ios6 and restoring that. any tips welcome. help. deeply depressed.
1. Hard Restart
2. DFU Restore
3. Tiny Umbrella
4. ireb
5. redsn0w
6. different internet connections
keep getting error (-1). if i took it to a genius what would they do that i couldn't?
hadn't tried another cable. my plan now is to download a lower ipsw like ios 5 or an older ios6 and restoring that. any tips welcome. help. deeply depressed.