I recently tried to restore my extremely loaded and bugging iPhone 3Gs into a default state via DFU mode. I used a fw file with my 6.1.2 shsh stitched into it so I may recover to 6.1.2. Things went smooth when I put my phone into pwned DFU and choose the fw in iTunes. All that is after iTunes verified that the fw can be installed and prepair to do the recovery by booting into the "bar mode" (Don't ask, just the screen that shows the firmware install progress.) The phone will just try to boot itself up as normal and I recieve a random error like err. 1604, 1643 ect. I am doing it on a Mac but swaping to a windows doesn't help.
edit: iTunes once identified it as a normal phone with content when I plugged it in. But trials before and after doesn't have the effect and iTunes identify everything as "others"
edit: iTunes once identified it as a normal phone with content when I plugged it in. But trials before and after doesn't have the effect and iTunes identify everything as "others"