Hi everyone... New to iOS... I have a question that I just can't seem to find a straight forward answer to... I had a Samsung Galaxy S2 i777 with Straight Talk's BYOP deal since they first started offering AT&T SIM cards. Now I know that you can't get those anymore, I was wondering if I could take my SIM I already have and plug it into an iPhone 3GS (AT&T)? My mother has the iPhone but is giving it to me as my i777 is now dead. (R.I.P. </3) I have no idea if it would need to be unlocked/jailbroke or anything, but I can do that myself easily. I just want to know if it is possible to do this? If so, it would be most convenient as I wouldn't need to trim the SIM card to a micro SIM. Less hassle haha. Please let me know ASAP. Thank you.