I've Googled this problem quite a bit and it seems that a lot of people have it, but no one has a specific solution to it. I've tried resetting my phone multiple times and draining it down to 0% and charging it back up to 100%. I'm trying to avoid restoring it and adding all my apps from scratch.
I've got an iPhone 5 running iOS 6.1.4.
I just noticed it a few days ago. Whenever I go to check the usage and standby times, they are always the exact same, which I know is wrong. Does anyone have suggestions on how to fix it? If I take it to the Apple Store, will they just replace my phone?
Also, today my phone shut itself off when it said it was at 14%. Then a half an hour later when I plugged it in, as soon as it turned on it said it was at 14%. Anyone know how to fix that one?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I've got an iPhone 5 running iOS 6.1.4.
I just noticed it a few days ago. Whenever I go to check the usage and standby times, they are always the exact same, which I know is wrong. Does anyone have suggestions on how to fix it? If I take it to the Apple Store, will they just replace my phone?
Also, today my phone shut itself off when it said it was at 14%. Then a half an hour later when I plugged it in, as soon as it turned on it said it was at 14%. Anyone know how to fix that one?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!