So I've ran into a situation with my iphone 5 in which I've lost the photos and video that I've shot since the 7/10/2013. This is probably my fault, but I really need those photos and videos and so I'd like to see if there is a way of recovering them.
on 07/10 I upgrade my phone to iOS 7 beta and used it up until yesterday when I became fed up with some of the bugs I was experiencing and decided to revert back to the iOS6 backup that I made 07/10/13. The problem is that I didn't back up the videos or photos I shot with iOS7 to iphoto or itunes.
Now I've read a lot online about Dr. Fone and programs like it and I'll soon be able to try those out but I was wondering if I have other options or if those programs will even work. They all seem to claim that they can recover deleted items, but what about items that have been restored over?
on 07/10 I upgrade my phone to iOS 7 beta and used it up until yesterday when I became fed up with some of the bugs I was experiencing and decided to revert back to the iOS6 backup that I made 07/10/13. The problem is that I didn't back up the videos or photos I shot with iOS7 to iphoto or itunes.
Now I've read a lot online about Dr. Fone and programs like it and I'll soon be able to try those out but I was wondering if I have other options or if those programs will even work. They all seem to claim that they can recover deleted items, but what about items that have been restored over?