I have a Verizon iPhone 4. Jailbroke it with evasion months ago with everything working fine besides the occasional crashes and sluggishness. Was talking on the phone yesterday, hung up the call and seconds later the phone crashed to the apple logo. It's tries to turn on but never does, it's stuck in a boot loop. I am willing to lose my jailbreak in order to not have to buy a new phone. I have tried to update and restore my iPhone using iTunes but get an error that says "The iPhone could not be restored. This device isn't eligible for the requested build." Please please help.
If I can get my phone turned on and keep my jailbreak that would be nice. But am willing to update to 6.1.3
Have tried:
Holding the home and sleep buttons together.
Holding the home and sleep buttons together for 10 seconds and then seizing hold on the sleep button to enter DFU mode to restore.
Have tried tinyumbrella (but perhaps didn't do it right?)
If I can get my phone turned on and keep my jailbreak that would be nice. But am willing to update to 6.1.3
Have tried:
Holding the home and sleep buttons together.
Holding the home and sleep buttons together for 10 seconds and then seizing hold on the sleep button to enter DFU mode to restore.
Have tried tinyumbrella (but perhaps didn't do it right?)