While seeking a simple solution ( Which has been answered here in MacRumors this morning.. thank you) in Safari/ Google, I tried to Search with this question in Google... I was offended that ( duh, naive me
GOOGLE !! ) Google chose to IMO mislead me.. I asked "How to set apple maps as default for safari?" I was searching for business addresses in Google.. and was "forced" to see half the story- apparently only Google Maps as default, never Apple Maps. Everything I saw in my searches "informed me" of the superiority, desirability of Google Maps
not once Apple Maps. I searched for many pages, and I consistently only saw one side of the solution- the Google side. As I thought about it, it slowly dawned on me, the inherited bias and self interest of using Google for search. Can someone add more to my new discovery regarding the search engines and their bias? What other search options do I have that will perhaps be more fair? Before yesterday, I had never understood all the various search engines, to me, they seemed redundant! Thank you