Last week I upgraded to an iPhone 5 from an iPhone 4, so this is my first experience with Siri. When I tell it to play a playlist "Play playlist Mix One" or "Playlist Mix 4" for example, it will repeat it back correctly ("Playing playlist Mix One") but plays the first song on the playlist and any other songs I might have by that particular artist.... and that artist ONLY (none of my other songs on the playlist), even if some of that artist's songs aren't on my playlist. It's like it won't play any playlist that has a mix of songs from different albums and artists. The rest of the music features work fine; if I tell it to play an album, it will-- it's just the mixed playlists that are tripping it up. If I manually select a playlist (and don't use Siri) it plays all the songs just fine.
So, my question is-- is this something Siri can't do? Or is this just a glitch in my phone? If it's the latter I want to be able to take it back to exchange it for a new one. Do those of you with Siri find this feature works on your phones?
So, my question is-- is this something Siri can't do? Or is this just a glitch in my phone? If it's the latter I want to be able to take it back to exchange it for a new one. Do those of you with Siri find this feature works on your phones?