First of all I just need to make it clear that I'm not talking about letter boxed apps on the iPhone 5. I'm referring to the small black border that surrounds the screen on all the iPhone models. I have only ever used black iPhones so I never really noticed it, but I was about to purchase a white one and then I noticed that the black borders stood out quite a lot on the white models. So basically I'm asking anyone who has a white iPhone are the borders REALLY noticeable or do you forget they're there quite easily?
This picture is a good example of what I'm talking about
First of all I just need to make it clear that I'm not talking about letter boxed apps on the iPhone 5. I'm referring to the small black border that surrounds the screen on all the iPhone models. I have only ever used black iPhones so I never really noticed it, but I was about to purchase a white one and then I noticed that the black borders stood out quite a lot on the white models. So basically I'm asking anyone who has a white iPhone are the borders REALLY noticeable or do you forget they're there quite easily?
This picture is a good example of what I'm talking about
