I have an iPhone 4S, which I got new, about the same time last year. Usually I dont really have issues with apple products (thank god, cause I`m fearful of Apple product DIYS), but I think that maybe changing with this 4S.
Hardware Specs:
iPhone 4S
IOS 5.1.1
Unlocked on ATT
Problem Background
I was using my ATT data connection, and watching a movie on Dailymotion. The phone was plugged in to an OE Apple charger.
As i was getting about half thru the 1.5 hour movie, the video stopped, the screen turned blue/black, and the next thing I know the Apple logo is on my screen. The device reboots (without any input from me) and loads back to the home screen. I dont know what to think of it, as its a new occurrence. Never had it before do an automatic reboot. I checked the Diagnostics log, and I saw it had created a -----Panic.plist file. It also created a Reset Counter log file.
What I have done thus far to figure out the issue
I first checked the web to see if i could make sense of the panic.plist and reset counter files. Immediately I found that the panic.plist files are caused by a kernel malfunction, which is caused by faulty hardware. However the posts I have seen have recurring panic.plist files which are accompanied by random restarts, and input to bring the device back up and running. The significant piece of information is usually listed in the panic.plist file right after panic (XXXXXXXXX), which in my case is Panic (CPU0 caller 0X80846e63): PIO0
I searched the PIO0 code, but have so far come up with nothing.
What apple support (phone) told me
-Reset the device
-Update via iTunes to 6.1.3
-Wait till it crashes again
What I am asking after all this
My warranty is up in 20 days or so. I cant "wait" till it crashes, since with my luck it will crash a minutes after the warranty is up. I want to schedule an appointment with the Genius Bar, but before hand I would like any other members, if possible to chime in about this issue. Is it really a hardware failure that caused this one event or is this something I can hope for the best with a software update?
Log File
Incident Identifier: 19B8F6FE-06F8-410D-9A73-575203C881EC
CrashReporter Key: * 87e3a39d1499c663891e258083a027b39c8b60de
Hardware Model: * * *iPhone4,1
Date/Time: * * * 2013-03-27 03:10:01.671 -0400
OS Version: * * *iPhone OS 5.1.1 (9B206)
panic(cpu 0 caller 0x80846e63): "PIO0 write slave/decode error at address 0x3a086b6c length: 1x by 4 Bytes type: 0x1 ID: 0x000 agent: cpu"@/SourceCache/AppleS5L8940X/AppleS5L8940X-105.11/AppleS5L8940XIO.cpp:409
Debugger message: panic
OS version: 9B206
Kernel version: Darwin Kernel Version 11.0.0: Sun Apr *8 21:51:47 PDT 2012; root:xnu-1878.11.10~1/RELEASE_ARM_S5L8940X
iBoot version: iBoot-1219.62.15
secure boot?: YES
Paniclog version: 1
Epoch Time: * * * *sec * * * usec
* Boot * *: 0x5150d85a 0x00000000
* Sleep * : 0x51528be0 0x00025aaa
* Wake * *: 0x51528c4f 0x00000009
* Calendar: 0x51529b2d 0x0001a66f
Task 0xc0860d20: 11042 pages, 124 threads: pid 0: kernel_task
Task 0xc0860ac0: 146 pages, 3 threads: pid 1: launchd
Task 0xc0860600: 488 pages, 7 threads: pid 12: UserEventAgent
Task 0xc0860140: 245 pages, 3 threads: pid 13: notifyd
Task 0xc08603a0: 435 pages, 10 threads: pid 14: configd
Task 0xc085fee0: 13224 pages, 24 threads: pid 15: SpringBoard
Task 0xc085fc80: 119 pages, 4 threads: pid 16: syslogd
Task 0xc085f7c0: 1464 pages, 14 threads: pid 18: CommCenter
Task 0xc085ee40: 210 pages, 2 threads: pid 22: powerd
Task 0xc085ebe0: 292 pages, 2 threads: pid 23: lockdownd
Task 0xc085e000: 1688 pages, 14 threads: pid 28: locationd
Task 0xc0f4fd20: 343 pages, 4 threads: pid 29: wifid
Task 0xc0f4d980: 4848 pages, 31 threads: pid 44: mediaserverd
thread 0xc12438c0
kernel backtrace: 802bef28
*lr: 0x8007bd2b *fp: 0x802bef54
*lr: 0x8007c32f *fp: 0x802bef80
*lr: 0x80016391 *fp: 0x802bef98
*lr: 0x80846e63 *fp: 0x802befd0
*lr: 0x809edf73 *fp: 0x802beff0
*lr: 0x8022c087 *fp: 0x802beff8
*lr: 0x800797c4 *fp: 0xd2d8b338
*lr: 0x800795bc *fp: 0xd2d8b4e0
*lr: 0x80a309e9 *fp: 0xd2d8b508
*lr: 0x80a317eb *fp: 0xd2d8b578
*lr: 0x80a2fa3b *fp: 0xd2d8b598
*lr: 0x8021dad9 *fp: 0xd2d8b5c4
*lr: 0x80a301e5 *fp: 0xd2d8b5e4
*lr: 0x80a32475 *fp: 0xd2d8b5f8
*lr: 0x80a33aad *fp: 0xd2d8bc30
*lr: 0x80a33b8d *fp: 0xd2d8bc38
*lr: 0x80a41e05 *fp: 0xd2d8bc5c
*lr: 0x80a3f517 *fp: 0xd2d8bc68
*lr: 0x80a37de3 *fp: 0xd2d8bc88
*lr: 0x80a37fb9 *fp: 0xd2d8bca8
*lr: 0x80a38143 *fp: 0xd2d8bccc
*lr: 0x80a32717 *fp: 0xd2d8bcfc
*lr: 0x8023401b *fp: 0xd2d8bd30
*lr: 0x80a31fd5 *fp: 0xd2d8bd40
*lr: 0x8023287d *fp: 0xd2d8be30
*lr: 0x8006bcd5 *fp: 0xd2d8bf18
*lr: 0x8001
Hardware Specs:
iPhone 4S
IOS 5.1.1
Unlocked on ATT
Problem Background
I was using my ATT data connection, and watching a movie on Dailymotion. The phone was plugged in to an OE Apple charger.
As i was getting about half thru the 1.5 hour movie, the video stopped, the screen turned blue/black, and the next thing I know the Apple logo is on my screen. The device reboots (without any input from me) and loads back to the home screen. I dont know what to think of it, as its a new occurrence. Never had it before do an automatic reboot. I checked the Diagnostics log, and I saw it had created a -----Panic.plist file. It also created a Reset Counter log file.
What I have done thus far to figure out the issue
I first checked the web to see if i could make sense of the panic.plist and reset counter files. Immediately I found that the panic.plist files are caused by a kernel malfunction, which is caused by faulty hardware. However the posts I have seen have recurring panic.plist files which are accompanied by random restarts, and input to bring the device back up and running. The significant piece of information is usually listed in the panic.plist file right after panic (XXXXXXXXX), which in my case is Panic (CPU0 caller 0X80846e63): PIO0
I searched the PIO0 code, but have so far come up with nothing.
What apple support (phone) told me
-Reset the device
-Update via iTunes to 6.1.3
-Wait till it crashes again
What I am asking after all this
My warranty is up in 20 days or so. I cant "wait" till it crashes, since with my luck it will crash a minutes after the warranty is up. I want to schedule an appointment with the Genius Bar, but before hand I would like any other members, if possible to chime in about this issue. Is it really a hardware failure that caused this one event or is this something I can hope for the best with a software update?
Log File
Incident Identifier: 19B8F6FE-06F8-410D-9A73-575203C881EC
CrashReporter Key: * 87e3a39d1499c663891e258083a027b39c8b60de
Hardware Model: * * *iPhone4,1
Date/Time: * * * 2013-03-27 03:10:01.671 -0400
OS Version: * * *iPhone OS 5.1.1 (9B206)
panic(cpu 0 caller 0x80846e63): "PIO0 write slave/decode error at address 0x3a086b6c length: 1x by 4 Bytes type: 0x1 ID: 0x000 agent: cpu"@/SourceCache/AppleS5L8940X/AppleS5L8940X-105.11/AppleS5L8940XIO.cpp:409
Debugger message: panic
OS version: 9B206
Kernel version: Darwin Kernel Version 11.0.0: Sun Apr *8 21:51:47 PDT 2012; root:xnu-1878.11.10~1/RELEASE_ARM_S5L8940X
iBoot version: iBoot-1219.62.15
secure boot?: YES
Paniclog version: 1
Epoch Time: * * * *sec * * * usec
* Boot * *: 0x5150d85a 0x00000000
* Sleep * : 0x51528be0 0x00025aaa
* Wake * *: 0x51528c4f 0x00000009
* Calendar: 0x51529b2d 0x0001a66f
Task 0xc0860d20: 11042 pages, 124 threads: pid 0: kernel_task
Task 0xc0860ac0: 146 pages, 3 threads: pid 1: launchd
Task 0xc0860600: 488 pages, 7 threads: pid 12: UserEventAgent
Task 0xc0860140: 245 pages, 3 threads: pid 13: notifyd
Task 0xc08603a0: 435 pages, 10 threads: pid 14: configd
Task 0xc085fee0: 13224 pages, 24 threads: pid 15: SpringBoard
Task 0xc085fc80: 119 pages, 4 threads: pid 16: syslogd
Task 0xc085f7c0: 1464 pages, 14 threads: pid 18: CommCenter
Task 0xc085ee40: 210 pages, 2 threads: pid 22: powerd
Task 0xc085ebe0: 292 pages, 2 threads: pid 23: lockdownd
Task 0xc085e000: 1688 pages, 14 threads: pid 28: locationd
Task 0xc0f4fd20: 343 pages, 4 threads: pid 29: wifid
Task 0xc0f4d980: 4848 pages, 31 threads: pid 44: mediaserverd
thread 0xc12438c0
kernel backtrace: 802bef28
*lr: 0x8007bd2b *fp: 0x802bef54
*lr: 0x8007c32f *fp: 0x802bef80
*lr: 0x80016391 *fp: 0x802bef98
*lr: 0x80846e63 *fp: 0x802befd0
*lr: 0x809edf73 *fp: 0x802beff0
*lr: 0x8022c087 *fp: 0x802beff8
*lr: 0x800797c4 *fp: 0xd2d8b338
*lr: 0x800795bc *fp: 0xd2d8b4e0
*lr: 0x80a309e9 *fp: 0xd2d8b508
*lr: 0x80a317eb *fp: 0xd2d8b578
*lr: 0x80a2fa3b *fp: 0xd2d8b598
*lr: 0x8021dad9 *fp: 0xd2d8b5c4
*lr: 0x80a301e5 *fp: 0xd2d8b5e4
*lr: 0x80a32475 *fp: 0xd2d8b5f8
*lr: 0x80a33aad *fp: 0xd2d8bc30
*lr: 0x80a33b8d *fp: 0xd2d8bc38
*lr: 0x80a41e05 *fp: 0xd2d8bc5c
*lr: 0x80a3f517 *fp: 0xd2d8bc68
*lr: 0x80a37de3 *fp: 0xd2d8bc88
*lr: 0x80a37fb9 *fp: 0xd2d8bca8
*lr: 0x80a38143 *fp: 0xd2d8bccc
*lr: 0x80a32717 *fp: 0xd2d8bcfc
*lr: 0x8023401b *fp: 0xd2d8bd30
*lr: 0x80a31fd5 *fp: 0xd2d8bd40
*lr: 0x8023287d *fp: 0xd2d8be30
*lr: 0x8006bcd5 *fp: 0xd2d8bf18
*lr: 0x8001